Safe Community Project


Community Resilience,

Training, and Fire Prevention

When resilience matters. When training matters. When readiness matters.

More Than Training. Professional Development.

Our professional development team provides education and training content that builds confidence, capabilities, and skills that extend beyond the basics found in most online training content. When you need your people to believe in your organization, we help you not only get them on board with online courses, we give them a roadmap to professional and personal success. Better Prepared. More Engaged.

Take a closer look at an example of "peer to peer" storytelling.

Good Strategies Start With a Plan.

We help organizations, even cities, develop strategies that reduce the risks related to disasters. We build comprehensive yet easily understandable courses, eOps plans, and training exercises.

Public Safety Was Never So Much Fun.

Our uniformed and trained public safety members teach a variety of skills to elementary and high school students, the public, and even older adults.

Adults Learning CPR

Students Learning CPR

Fire Safety for the Public

Award-winning visual storytelling for any situation.

Our award-winning film unit develops training content, documentaries, promotional stories, animated stories, and public service announcements.

Public Service Announcements that create change. Smarter. Specific. Targeted.

Animated storytelling for students and youth. Motivational. Engaging. Fun.

Upgrade Your Training Strategy With Our Professional Development Solutions.

There’s no other organization quite like the Safe Community Project. Combining field operations in collaboration with fire departments, building technology via apps and LMS environments, award-winning film unit, researchers, training staff, and quality course development, when it matters – we’re ready to partner with you.

References and Testimonials.

The Safe Community Project values the privacy and integrity of our clients and the work we produce for them. For references and testimonials, please contact us and we’ll be pleased to share appropriate contact information.

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