As a component of our wildfire community risk reduction efforts, our L.A. Division, MySafe:LA produced a wildfire safety fair in collaboration with the Brentwood Homeowner’s Association and the Los Angeles City Fire Department.

Engaging people who don’t understand the current risks that wildfire may have on their community is a challenge. The concept of a wildfire fair is to bring people together, educate them, and elevate their involvement in prevention activities.
For this initial wildfire fair, we engaged a wide array of participants, including the LAFD, LAcoFD, Emergency Management Department, and a group of vendors who provide wildfire mitigation products and services. More than 100 NOAA emergency radios were distributed, as were multiple prizes for attendees.

Bringing people together for an event like this requires an incentive. In this case, MySafe:LA collaborated with the Brentwood Homeowner’s Association to provide free food via a fantastic “Taco Truck” and an “Ice Cream Truck.” All of the food was free for attendees.
Hundreds of people attended, enjoyed an LAFD aerial flyover, and learned about the importance of engaging with one another, their local fire stations, and MySafe:LA to create a safer Brentwood. Due to the success of the event, we’re planning a series of wildfire safety fairs for 2024.