Safe Community Project


News, Media, and Editorial

As our team works to create a more resilient Los Angeles, we’ll post stories, videos, podcasts, and press information here in the Safe Community Project News. Because we work throughout the Los Angeles region, we gain insight and experience into many different life experiences. Some of them are worth sharing. We hope you enjoy each post.

CPR. Hands-Only or Fully Certified?

Our Field Operations teams teach both hands-only and certified CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). We’re often asked what the difference is, and why one would choose certification over hands-only training? The difference between certified CPR and hands-only CPR mainly lies in the training and techniques involved in each approach. Here’s a detailed comparison: Certified

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The Benefits of an Emergency Operations Plan

One of the services our organization provides is the development of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). We’ve built plans for multiple types of organizations, and each plan is unique to the client’s situation. An Emergency Operations Plan is crucial for preparing organizations, communities, and individuals for potential emergencies. Here are some of

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Why We Teach Hands-Only CPR

Would you know what to do if a loved one collapsed suddenly in front of you? CPR can be the difference between life and death. You can’t assume that someone else will step in – that’s why it’s so important to learn CPR. And, when dealing with Cardiac Arrest, the

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Why Vaccines Are So Important

For more than a year now, the world has been in battle with the virus known as COVID-19. Approximately 200 millions cases have been diagnosed, and more than four million people have died. In the United States, 35 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and more than 600,000 people

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Why Are Emergency Operations Plans Important?

Emergency preparedness is vital to ensure a disaster response is not impeded by disorganization or miscommunication. Remaining calm and moving confidently through the wilds of a crisis are much easier when you have a map. And that is exactly what an emergency operations plan (EOP) is — a mapping of

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Emergency Preparedness Drills

The Safe Community Project not only develops emergency response plans, but also creates support training to go along with the plans we deliver. No plan is effective if it isn’t understood, and one of the best ways to ensure a full understanding is via training. In the case of an

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