Why Us
When Results Matter.
It’s about you. Not us. It’s about providing the best quality content, the friendliest support, and the most productive and rewarding relationships. Our people take pride in delivering high-quality work products that result in safer and more resilient communities and organizations. The Safe Community Project sets itself apart from other public benefit non-profit organizations through its unique blend of public safety expertise, educational services, and award-winning products.

When People Matter.
When you promote someone in your organization, you probably consider not only the work product they’ve delivered but also the type of person they are and how that helps your organization.
We feel the same way. Our team is easy to work with. We’re easy to talk to. We’re there when you need us. We’re a boutique organization, but we pride ourselves and having the best quality people on our team. Our experts in emergency management services, full-service training and film development, fire safety, earthquake preparedness, and community resilience are the core of our business. As a non-profit organization, we have an obligation to “serve those in need” and that extends to local and state governments and public safety organizations.

When Money Matters.
In today’s complex world value for money spent is often the driving force behind training and public safety engagements. The Safe Community Project has a reputation for delivering projects on time and on budget. If things change, we’ll talk about it. We don’t like surprises, and we doubt you do, either. Each project is managed as if it were for our own use, and we will carefully manage each step of the way from first dollars in, to the final invoice.

When Leadership Matters.
Our board includes a variety of public safety professionals, from active and retired fire officers to medical and educational experts, ensuring that our strategies and actions are well-informed by current practices and innovations in public safety.

We have won more than 100 different awards for the quality and content of our products and services. Our film unit, in particular, has won scores of Telly Awards, NYX Awards for a complete public safety initiative, Anthem Awards, Awareness Film Festival Awards, Women’s International Film Festival, and Accolade Global Awards, among others.
We understand the importance of localizing safety messages to fit the specific needs and challenges of individual communities. This approach helps us to create more effective and relevant safety strategies.